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Rupes Bigfoot Nano iBrid 34mm Backing Plate

Auto Detailing Tools Backing Plate Backing Plate - 1” POLISHING Polishing Pads and Accessories Rupes TOOLS / ACCESSORIES
Rupes 34 mm (1.25 inches) iBrid Backing Plate Replacement backing plate for the 34mm (1.25 inch) RUPES iBrid Backing Plate found in both original...

Flex 1" Rotary Backing Plate

Backing Plate Backing Plate - 1” Flex Power Tools POLISHING Polishing Pads and Accessories TOOLS / ACCESSORIES
FLEX 1 Inch Rotary Backing Plate Use the 1 inch plate with FLEX 1 Inch Foam Pads Fits standard 5/8" arbor size 1 each

Griot's Garage Mini Rotary Backing Plates 10580

Backing Plate Backing Plate - 1” Backing Plate - 2” Backing Plate - 3” Griots Garage POLISHING TOOLS / ACCESSORIES
Griots Garage Mini Rotary Backing Plates 10580 The 1", 2" and 3" backing plates included in this kit enable users to focus on isolated...

Griot's Garage BOSS Micro Backing Plate 1" BGMP1

Backing Plate Backing Plate - 1” Griots Garage POLISHING TOOLS / ACCESSORIES
Griots Garage BOSS Micro Backing Plate 1" BGMP1

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